Tuesday, March 9, 2010

12 Superfoods for Gorgeous Skin

You’d have to be living under a rock to not hear of the super food craze. They taste delicious, they’re good for you and they may even have the power to change your life. Here are 12 super foods for drop dead gorgeous skin.

Avocado- the anti-wrinkle warrior


One of the most nutrient-dense foods, avocados are high in fiber and top the charts among all fruits for folate, potassium, vitamin E, and magnesium. Packed with antioxidants, avocados are your best food weapon in the fight against wrinkles.

Dandelion- toxin eliminator


The use of Dandelions helps detoxify the system, thus, improving health, increasing mobility and reducing stiffness in the joints, dandelion leaves (usually drunk as a tea) are excellent for cleansing toxins from the body, or you can add young ones to a green salad.

Grapes- free radical fighter


Nourishing, mood-boosting and brilliant at sorting all manner of ailments, keep a bunch in the fridge at all times. The essential fatty acids, and amino acids that your skin will be protected from the environment, maintain its moisture better, and keep its elasticity longer, among other things. It is also a tremendous free radical fighter which is noted for cardiovascular health, brain health and even mental alertness.

Kiwi- the skin firmer


This small, brown, fuzzy fruit is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, which keep skin firm, help prevent wrinkles, and are great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis also protect you from cancer and heart disease. One kiwi contains more vitamin C than an orange; it’s also a good source of potassium, which helps keep your muscles functioning properly.

Millet- vitality


Millet is a good replacement for refined grains such as white rice and pasta. One of the oldest foods known to humans dating back to 2,700 BC. A health-food-shop staple, millet is rich in silicon, which is vital for healthy skin, hair, teeth, eyes and nails. Millet is also high in fiber, the B-Complex, lecithin, vitamin E, iron, magnesium phosphorous and potassium

Oats- stress alleviator


Oats are low in calories, high in fiber and protein. They’re a rich source of magnesium, potassium. zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, thiamine, and pantothenic acid.. As well as helping improve your skin, they are brilliant for those suffering from stress and tiredness.

Oily fish


Oily fish is a super food because it contains a special supply of omega 3 fats.We all know oily fish are excellent in our diets, but which fish actually qualify as ‘oily’? Oily fish includes salmon, mackerel, trout, fresh water tuna, herring, shrimp, crab, sardines and pilchards.

Oysters- re-animator


Most think of oysters as aphrodisiacs, but they are a good source of zinc, which aids in skin cell renewal and repair. Zinc also keeps your nails, hair, and eyes healthy. Who needs an aphrodisiac when you look and feel beautiful?

Pumpkin seeds- the improver


It’s not just the inner meat of a pumpkin that’s virtuous, but its seeds are super nutritous too and contain a wealth of health-promoting properties.Tossing a handful of pumpkin seeds into your morning muesli is one of the easiest ways to improve your skin and although it’s the seeds which really work the magic, the pulp of both pumpkins and squashes are also good for all manner of other ailments.

Sprouted seeds- holy grail


“The most live, pure, nutritious food imaginable”, sprouted seeds are cheap and easy to grow yourself or, these days, can also be bought from most supermarkets.A mere 3.5 ounces of sprouted seeds contains a whopping 22.78 grams of protein! Add them to sandwiches, salads and stir-fry.

Strawberries- the cleanser


Strawberries contain a phytonutrient called quercetin, which has been shown to reduce and kill cancer cells (they inhibit cancer cell proliferation). They are also known as brain food, as they help with memory. High in iron and brilliant for cleansing your whole system, strawberries are an all-round, must-eat superfood. Plus, they taste great, too.

Watercress- blemish zapper


A brilliant salad accessory, watercress is full of vitamins A and C, not to mention 15 other essential vitamins and minerals, watercress has enjoyed super food status for centuries. and works like a natural antibiotic, helping zap unwanted blemishes and heal the skin.

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